
Showing posts from 2008


Many scholars and historians believe that the Story of Atlantis had no precedent and that Plato was the first to mention the Story of Atlantis or even the Atlantis name as Location or even as History (Mythology) Figure. Well that is Dead WRONG. That’s why. ANCIENT WRITINGS Pre-Platonic Writings Pertinent to Atlantis by R. Cedric Leonard Scholars the world over have repeatedly declared that ancient sources describing Atlantis are plentiful, "but before Plato - nothing". They make such a declaration because of several reasons: (1) they disregard every record in which Atlantis is not mentioned by name; (2) they tend to disregard records which utilize a variant spelling of Atlantis; (3) they seem to be unfamiliar with the Sanskrit writings of India--apparently forgetting that those Sanskrit speakers originated in Central Europe. For a timeline of ancient writers before and after Plato, click Here. Let us use an example from a hundred years before Plato in which Herodotus, the ...

Une jam Ismail Qemali ,prapa me vjen historia.

Si nje ish-nxenes i shkolles se mesme Ismail Qemali ne Tirane e ndjej per detyre kombetare te shpreh mendimet dhe ndjenjat e mija ne emer te gjithe Ismailistave te Shqiperise. U be kaq dite qe ne qytetin e Vlores .Djepin e kultures dhe identitetit kombetare ka shperthyer ne menyren me skandaloze te mundeshme nje nder konfliktet me te ashpra te luftes se historise shqiptare per konfirmim dhe konsolidim nderkombetare te shekullit 21. Nje rektor (i shitur dhe antishqiptar) ka urdheruar heqjen e emrit te universitetit te Vlores Ismail Qemal Vlora me pretekstin absurd dhe idiot se nuk eshte nje emer qe I sherben marketingut te universitetit dhe publicitetit te saj neper bote. O zot na ruaj nga vandale te tille. Emri I Ismail Qemalit jo vetem qe eshte nje lluks per cdo institucion shqiptar por edhe per ate nderkombetar njekohesisht. Le te leme per nje cast menjane faktin qe Ismail Bej Vlora eshte Babai I Kombit shqiptare ,themeluesi I shtetit te pare dhe te ri te shqiptareve, por te marim pe...

Name and Location.

CAPE OF RODON (Redon). The surprises that Landscape of Durresi Area offers to us never stops. This time will talk about the amazing collisions of mythology and history of this area that sometimes can pass through our attentions without even notice it. Up north Durresi’s bay there is a location that can tell so much to us about the perfect match of Plato’s tale with the history and mythology of the area that we all are interested This location is up north Durresi Bay , beyond the Cape of Pali and it is called the Cape of RODON. The bay that is in this Area is called the Bay of Rodon too. Now who knows the Illyrian mythology knows pretty well that Poseidon was called Rodon(or Redon) and this name is pretty much the same with the modern Albanian Rethon=Circle(around)etc. In Italian take the form of Rotondo. Pretty much in all Latin languages takes the similar form. Redon is a pretty common Albanian name too. Like Redon Makashi for example ( a very famous Albanian singer in Albania). On th...

Atlantis in albanian language.

Ok let’s go back to the possible origin of the name ATLANTIS. In my opinion this name is totally a name with Illyrian or pelasgian roots . The part AT in Albanian language ( by that Illyrian as we all now that Albanian is direct descendent of Illyrian language) means Father. In etruscean language means Mother. No w we all now that between Illyrian and etruscians existed a strong ethnic tie. In fact there are some considerations that etruscians were e branch of Illyrian –pelasgian legacy. In my opinion the etruscian alphabet was the Illyrian too. Who said that there are no illyrians or pelasgian scripts? So the part AT means father in Albanian (modern language too). The part Land comes from the Illyrian word Landtokdte which means soil, ground etc. In modern Albanian Land (lend) means Matter, Substance, material or even Timber in geg dialect. But hear, hear there is a word (name) in Albanian language that is very intriguing. LENDIN-A (official Albanian language) or LANDIN-A in geg.dial...

Atlantis is albanian language.

Ok let’s go back to the possible origin of the name ATLANTIS. In my opinion this name is totally a name with Illyrian or pelasgian roots . The part AT in Albanian language ( by that Illyrian as we all now that Albanian is direct descendent of Illyrian language) means Father. In etruscean language means Mother. No w we all now that between Illyrian and etruscians existed a strong ethnic tie. In fact there are some considerations that etruscians were e branch of Illyrian –pelasgian legacy. In my opinion the etruscian alphabet was the Illyrian too. Who said that there are no illyrians or pelasgian scripts? So the part AT means father in Albanian (modern language too). The part Land comes from the Illyrian word Landtokdte which means soil, ground etc. In modern Albanian Land (lend) means Matter, Substance, material or even Timber in geg dialect. But hear, hear there is a word (name) in Albanian language that is very intriguing. LENDIN-A (official Albanian language) or LANDIN-A in geg.dial...

To the friends of Ant Ecological

Ogni essere vivente in questo pianeta ha il diritto di diventarsi un essere divina tramite la ricerca ed uso di ogni cosa che il creatore (il dio ) ha messo nella disposizione della umanità.Ogni essere umano nella sua coscienza (anche questo un regalo del creatore) nutrisce la voglia di possedere tutto. Per Chio e il nostro dovere (gente che ragiona) di canalizzare o pure dirigere questa voglia in armonia totale con degli leggi della natura(creatore). In differenza da gli animali l' essere umano ha la coscienza che ogni cosa che esiste nel universo ha un inizio ma anche una fine. Per ch'io l' essere umano ha la capacita di cercare altre soluzioni o pure idee quando le prime si sono consumate nel estremo. Il solo problema rimane che umanità abia la capacita di prevedere questi eventi prima che esi accorano. L'Atlantidei l'hanno capito questa cosa quando non cera niente da fare. Il nostro compito e di non fare la stesa fine. Noi non siamo autocondanati . Siamo soltant...

To the friends og Ant Ecological

Ogni essere vivente in questo pianeta ha il diritto di diventarsi un essere divina tramite la ricerca ed uso di ogni cosa che il creatore (il dio ) ha messo nella disposizione della umanità.Ogni essere umano nella sua coscienza (anche questo un regalo del creatore) nutrisce la voglia di possedere tutto. Per Chio e il nostro dovere (gente che ragiona) di canalizzare o pure dirigere questa voglia in armonia totale con degli leggi della natura(creatore). In differenza da gli animali l' essere umano ha la coscienza che ogni cosa che esiste nel universo ha un inizio ma anche una fine. Per ch'io l' essere umano ha la capacita di cercare altre soluzioni o pure idee quando le prime si sono consumate nel estremo. Il solo problema rimane che umanità abia la capacita di prevedere questi eventi prima che esi accorano. L'Atlantidei l'hanno capito questa cosa quando non cera niente da fare. Il nostro compito e di non fare la stesa fine. Noi non siamo autocondanati . Siamo soltan...

About Durresi..............!!!!

Now lets talk a little bit about my theory .Is it Atlantis underneath the waters of Durresi’s Bay? Some people may say that this thing its nuts .That Atlantis didn’t exist at first place and it was a fiction made up by Plato in order of making his political thesis more touchable for the ordinary people.But as you remember there were some mentioning of the Atlantis before Plato ‘s tale. This was Heredotus (father of History).Remember? Anyway why Durresi(Epidamnos.Dyrrachiom)? There is no island at all out there And even if it was it never fits the dimensions “described” by Plato of such a majestic island . Now wait a second are we sure that Plato was talking about a Island or was he Talking about a “land” or “territory” in which an “island” by the name Atlantis used to dwelt. Just a freaking city-island like Venezia or Manhattan and nothing else.The rest was all the freaking territory occupied by the mighty power of such an empire. I guest this territory was as great as the all Mediterr...

NOT A FICTION...........................

Some studies shows the fact that the story of Atlantis is not a story that has an accurate beginning and accurate end. If we look it carefully through the lines of Plato’s tale we can realize the fact that his work is based upon the reference of the third person’s Confessions. Smart isn’t it. If anything is not accurate he can blame it on the guy that is telling story. We do that all the time. Blame Solon, blame anyone you want. After all history is not an exact science. But anyway the characters that Plato is using in his version of Atlantis story are really very important history figures. Let’s take for example Solon. A very distinguished personality of 6th century b.c. Even Cricia is a very important figure in Hellenic history .He used to be the member of the “the thirties” in Athens a technocracy of the first half of 4th century when Cricia was the main ruler and as it turns out from the historians the person who convicted Socrates .He was Plato’s uncle too. Now if you were Plato w...

Atlanis in Europe and Ballkan.

Let's talk a little bit about the story of Atlantis .This what we are supposed to do.Wright?!. Plato is referring to an Island that used dwelt outside the famous Pillars of Heracles. Talks about an empire that ruled with iron-fist a waste area in Mediterranean and North Africa .Now some scientist are taking in great consideration the fact that Plato by Island meant the fact that Capital City of such empire was constructed in an area close to the sea that was altered in an artificial island. According to Plato it took several generation till this “island” was transformed in a magnificent city which the main function was to harbor the trade ships in such a manner that was never done before. Plato expressed the opinion that how such a thing can be human made and not natural. In fact Plato at the beginning is referred to Mythology .He talks about the story of Poseidon falling in love and then intercourseing with a mortal woman Cleito (Possible archaic form of the word klithje.alb=screa...

Tauland or Atland?

Now lets talk about the land of Taulantiies the Land called Taulantia .These area used to cover the whole seashore of Durresi Bay (Laguna) and going deep in the Mainland Southeast and Northeast .The area used to be bordered in the north by the City of Epidamnos and in the south by the river Shkumbin(Genessus in Old Times).So the all surrounding area was populated by the people called Taulantiies. This area has its own history that goes deep in time since the Pelapones War that was triggered here in this city Called Epidamnos and then the Famous Battle Between Cesar and Pompey in the year 47 b.c. Surely it shows the importance of this area during the most crucial periods of European History. Now the most important thing for me is to prove the fact that this area was important and famous even before the history events that I have mentioned before. Let’s start with the name of the people and location. Can you translate the Atlantis (english)Atlandou(old greek),Atlantide(roman ) in any kin...


Atlantis.(English)Atlantidou(old Greek),Atlantida(Latin) Atlandtokde(Illyrian). Lets talk about it. Taulantiies. The lost land that have intrigued and inspired so many people through centuries. Where is it ,did it really exist or was just a fiction. We will see about that later. But first of all I want to talk about a place called Durresi in Albania. It is the most ancient city in the whole country. They said it was founded by Corcyrians and Corinthians 2700 years a go.A colony called Epidamnos.Then called by Romans Dyrrachiom.Well that is the official statement of the most important archeologist and historians of modern times. Durresi was founded by Greeks. OK. Lets talk about this. There is a bad perception about the term founded and colonized so I will try it to explain it. Founded means that a certain place or country was discovered and than populated by certain group of people in order of creating a new ethnic or nation group which later will be known as a new state or country. Co...

Albanian Atlantis


Ne qofte se keni patur miresine te lexoni postimet e meparshme do te ju kujtohet se kam folur dhe treguar per imazhet satelitare te "mureve" qe ndodhen ne veri te Gjirit te Durresit.Ato quhen mure "ciklope" por une mendoje se jane dicka me shume se mure.Gjeresia e tyre arin ne 31metra.WOW.Duke vezhguar perseri Gjirin e Durresit kam hasur ne nje fenomena apo anomalitet te cuditshem.Ne juglindje te gjirit ndodhet nje zgjatim nenujor qe eshte pothuajse simetrike me "murin" ne veri .Ngjan si hendek apo rrip toke e krijuar artificialisht.Gjeresia e ketij hendeku eshte e njejte me "murin" e veriut, plot 31 metra.A thua te jete nje koecidence.Nga pamja e pare ngjan me nje "Mur" apo "Ure" e ndertuar pergjate bregut te detit . Pamjet jane vertete sugjestjionuese.Si ka mundesi ?Duhet te mos harojme edhe faktin se thedhesia ne kete pjese te bregut por edhe gjate gjithe siperfaqes te gjirit deri ne mes te saj nuk i arin as 3 metra.Pra mun...

Historia e Ilireve.Illyrian history

Perse Durresi!!!!!?????????????

Perse Durresi ? Gjate mijevjecareve legjenda e Atlantites apo miti i saj eshte transmetuar deri ne ditet tona me gjithe madheshtine dhe bukurine qe ofron kjo histori sa njerezore aq edhe hyjnore.Shume historiane dhe studjues kan mare mbi kurrizin e tyre misionin e deshifrimit apo lokalizimit te ketij qyteti qe ka frymezuar shume breza filozofesh artistesh ,kinematografesh dhe mbi te gjitha hulumtuesish amatore dhe profesionist. Qyteti i famshem eshte lokalizuar pothuajse ne te tere cepat e botes se njohur.Ne Evrope ne Afrike ne Azi ne Kine ne Ameriken Latine bile edhe jashte planetit tone ne hapesiren kozmike dhe duke i dhene emrit te ketij civilizimi nje nocion alien.LOL.Megjithese une besoj se shumica e ketyre njerezve qe i jane perkushtuar zbulimit te shekullit kane synime te sinqerta dhe njerezore ne kete sfide Titanike,me duhet te pohoj se ne nje pjese shume te madhe te studimeve reth kesaj teme verej nje tendence jo normale dhe jo te ndershme per ta ridikulizuar dhe denigruar ket...

Perseri per zoterine anonime.A eshte edhe kjo qesharake ?

Ne komentin e fundit nga zoteria anonim thuhet se tere kjo pune eshte qesharake. Me duhet te them se edhe puna e zbuluesit te Trojes Schliemann u percmua dhe u perqesh megjithese se ai kishte deklaruar qe ne moshen 8 vjece se do ta bente zbulimin me te madh te te tera koherave. Per te qeshur dhe tallur eshte fakti qe perpara hundes se Akademise "se Famshe" te Shkencave te Shqiperise zbulohen dy kulla qe mund ti perkasin kohes romake dhe mund te ndryshoje krejt historine e Tiranes dhe te mbare Shqiperise.Kjo eshte qesharake dhe njekohesisht tragjike. Pseudo historianet e matufepsur te Enverit per 40vjet do te "pasuronin" shkencen e historise me dokrat marksiste-leniniste te epokes skllavopronare se Ilirise antike duke e shtrire luften e klasave deri ne mijevjecaret e shkuar ndersa nen kembet e tyre dergjej nje mrekulli qe befason kedo qe e shikon.

Per zoterine anonimin.

Ja ku jane pamjet vizive te Kodrave te Durresit.Ketu ke edhe lidhjen me faqen ku DofD ka shkruar ne kerkoj ndjese per abuzimin tim me te drejten e autorit,por ne rast se teoria ime vertohet kjo eshte ne fakte zbulim i tij dhe merita i takon vetem atij.Shfrytezoj rastin qe te bej apel qe ky njeri te identifikohet. Ky zoteri apo zonje ka publikuar vetem kater postime.Pastaj eshte zhdukur.Arsyen une nuk e di.Ai identifikon Taulantet me Atlantidet .Ku jetonin Taulantet?Me duket se ne teritorin e Shqiperise se Mesme apo jo.Midis Durresit (epidamnos) dhe lumit Shkumbin.Une e mbeshtes 100% kete teori te tij.Gjithe puna ime eshte bazuar ne publikimet e tij. TO DOFD @ WWW.SIMAQIANSTUDIO.COM I WISH TO SAY PLEASE MAKE YOURSELF PUBLIC AND TELL TO THE ALL WORLD ABOUT YOUR DESCOVERY.I WANT TO DEDICATE THIS BLOGSITE TO ALL YOUR WORK.


Ne imaxhin e mesiperm qe po shikoni kemi nje perfytyrim vizual te qytetit te Atlantides.Ky fragment eshte mare nga dokumentari televizin "Atlantis Quest" ,prodhimi i TV SCI-FI .Me posht saj po vendos fotografine satelitore te gjirit te Durresit mare ne nje pjeresi kendore te perafert me imaxhin e mesiperm dhe drejtime Veri Jug nga e majta ne te djathte te ekranit.Ajo cka do shikoni eshte ngjashmeria mahnitese midis relievit te te dyja imazheve. Ne imazhin e pare keni perfytyrimin deri ne detaje te qytetit te Atlantides nga fizikantet dhe historianet sipas refimeve te Platonit.Ne imazhin e dyte keni ate cka na ofron ne realitet gjiri i Durresit. Une po ju a le juve te gjykoni vete per to.

Tempujt........greke apo pellazge?

Sic dihet per disa studues filokreke apo filohelene historia ILIRE e Epidamnos apo Durrachiom fillon aty nga shekulli I katert para eres sone por sipas studiesve te koheve moderne zbulohet nje ngjarje krejtesisht e pa njohur. Por ne periudhen e shek 7te p.a.s njefare gjenerali udheheqesi ushtarak nga fisi I Taulanteve I quajtur GALAUR ndermori nje lufte ndaj mbreterve maqedonase, Qellimi kuptohet ekspansioni I pushtetit te TAULANTEVE drejt jugelindjes dhe zgjerimi I mbreterise se Taulanteve qe ekzistonte.Nuk dihet qarte se si ka perfunduar kjo lufte por besohet se bilanci do te kete qene shume negative per Taulantet te cilet me pas u pushtuan nga kolonet e ardhur nga Korkyra dhe Korinthi.Ne te njejten kohe pra perseri ne shek e shtate p.a.s sipas Herodotit (babai I histories) fisi I Enkeleve qe jetonin prane liqenit te Ohrit ndermaren nje fushate ushtarake kunder Greqise se atehershme duke aritur te pushtonin teritore te gjera deri ne Delfi .Justifikimi I tyre ishte clirimi I tokes se...

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