Atlantida ne Durres ne Shqiperi.
Atlantis in Durres in Albania.
Map of Durres(Epidamnos a.k.a. ancient Atlantis).
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Map of Durresi Beach.Plato said in his dialoges that after the destruction of the Atlantis port the travel of the ships was imposible because of the MUD.
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Anonymous said…
and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island. Dhe ishulli I Atlantit si ne cast u zhduk in thellesine e detit. Per kete arsye deti ne ate vend eshte I pakalueshem, sepse ka balte ; dhe kjo ishte kryjuar nga shperberja e ishullit. Sic e shikon ai nuk thote porti por ishulli komplet. Dhe e ka fjalen per kalimin nga nje det ne detin tjeter. Duhet qe edhe sot ky vend te jete I ceket. I vetmi vend ne Evrope eshte malta shikoje kete image: Arben, Lexoje Platonin para se te nxjeresh konkluzione te titlla. Une ketu po e nderpres korespondencen me ty sepse nuk ka me kuptim per mua te merrem me gjera amatoreske. NIKAS
The Taulanti (Albanian Taulantët) were one of the largest Illyrian tribes. A myth recounted by Arian tells that their name is derived from an eponyomus ancestor, Taulas (genetive Taulanti). They lived on the Adriatic coast of Illyria(modern Albania), between the river Vjosa on the south and the city of Epidamnos (modern Durres) on the north. This tribe played an important role in Illyrian history of the 4th-3rd centuries BC, when they ruled Illyrian kingdom, firstly established by Enchelleae. Approximately on the same land as Taulanti lived the Albanoi and Parthines tribes. In 335 BC, King Glaukias established the Taulanti dynasty in the Illyrian Kingdom. In 323 BC, Glaukias freed all the land which had been taken from Enchelleae by the Macedonians. Later, Illyrians capture Epidamnos and Apollonia, two major Illyrian cities, founded by the Greeks in the 7th century BC. In 309 BC, Glaukias went to Epirus where Pyrrhus regained the throne. Bardylis Junior (Bardhyli i Ri), Glaukias' s...
You can see by yourself the rectangular walls under the water in Durresi beach and the main bridge that connects the north of the city with the heart of the city .Just like it is described by Plato in his dialoges.The diameter of the city is supposed to be 100 stad =15km.Make the measurement by yourself by using the metre in Earth Google.You will be surprised.
Ne perkthimin qe i eshte bere dialogjeve te Platonit mund te jete bere nje gabim naiv qe mund ti kete kushtuar shume historise se njerezimit. Eshte fjala per numrin e viteve te permendura nga Platoni i ekzistences se Atlantides. Sipas perkthimit te bere nga Jowett dhe te tjere fjala antike greke "enakischilia" meret si 9000. Dakord do te thoni .Fjala "kischilia" shpjegohet lehte me numrin 1000,por fjala "ena" eshte pak si e dyshimte te perkthehet "nente" pasi ne greqishten e lashte numrat nuk shkrueshin me fjale por me simbole.Bie fjala numri (1)nje i konrenspondonte germa "a"(alfa).Quhej sistemi alfabetik i cili zevendesoi sistemin akrofonik mbas shkullit te peste p.a.s.Pra i bie qe numrit (9) nente (per ata qe e dine alfabetin grek) ti konrenspondoj germa "th"(thita).Per numrin 9000 perdorej nje simbol i ngjashem me "th" por me nje presje poshte ne krahe te majte te saj dhe vetem kaq.Nuk perdoreshin aspak fjale.Vet...
Dhe ishulli I Atlantit si ne cast u zhduk in thellesine e detit. Per kete arsye deti ne ate vend eshte I pakalueshem, sepse ka balte ; dhe kjo ishte kryjuar nga shperberja e ishullit.
Sic e shikon ai nuk thote porti por ishulli komplet. Dhe e ka fjalen per kalimin nga nje det ne detin tjeter. Duhet qe edhe sot ky vend te jete I ceket. I vetmi vend ne Evrope eshte malta shikoje kete image:
Arben, Lexoje Platonin para se te nxjeresh konkluzione te titlla.
Une ketu po e nderpres korespondencen me ty sepse nuk ka me kuptim per mua te merrem me gjera amatoreske.