Tauland or Atland?

Now lets talk about the land of Taulantiies the Land called Taulantia .These area used to cover the whole seashore of Durresi Bay (Laguna) and going deep in the Mainland Southeast and Northeast .The area used to be bordered in the north by the City of Epidamnos and in the south by the river Shkumbin(Genessus in Old Times).So the all surrounding area was populated by the people called Taulantiies. This area has its own history that goes deep in time since the Pelapones War that was triggered here in this city Called Epidamnos and then the Famous Battle Between Cesar and Pompey in the year 47 b.c. Surely it shows the importance of this area during the most crucial periods of European History. Now the most important thing for me is to prove the fact that this area was important and famous even before the history events that I have mentioned before.
Let’s start with the name of the people and location.
Can you translate the Atlantis (english)Atlandou(old greek),Atlantide(roman ) in any kind of language beside Illyrian-albanian language?
Tauland .
The word Tau is the archaic form of the word Thau(modern Albanian)=dry.The part Land comes from the Illyrian word Landtokde. This in the modern times is reduced in just Land. Even the part Tok has a meaning in Albanian language. It means Land, soil, ground (English).In fact if we use the word Landtokde without “d” we have Landtoke it has a full meaning in Albanian which is Soil, ground, land-material (English).
The word Land is used in albanian language even today and has the meaning “material”. In the north of Albania in Geg Dialect has the meaning of Wood. So the Tauland takes the meaning of Dry-land (English).
Now let’s talk about the word Atland.
In Illyrian language the part At has a full meaning of the word Father .It is used even today in modern albanian like Im At=My father,yt ate=your father or” Ati yne qe je ne qiell”=Our father in heaven(Bible).So the word Atland takes the full meaning in albanian language of Fatherland. I want to mention the fact that in Latin language or roman Atlantis is spelled Atlantide In my opinion it is the direct form of the name Atlandtokde(Illyrian).
Atlantis is modern (English) form of the name Atlandou(old greek).
So the name Atlantid takes the full meaning and makes sense only in albanian language the direct descendent of Illyrian language.But make no mistake it has nothing to do with national or self pride of Taulantiies though their descendent the Albanians spare no chance to proclaim their identity or patriotism in any time and any place.This name in my opinion has a nautical and technical meaning.The Taulantis or even the all other Illyrian groups that used to populate the seaside of Adriatic were really connected with the Sea.In fact their ancaster were called Pelasgi (from the word Pellg(Albanian)=pool,pond,lake).Could the Pelasgi be the famous Sea People and the Illyrian or greeks their descendent? In greek Pelagos means Sea.
So the Taulantiies maybe used the name Atland not as Fatherland but as a nautical reference =Mainland.
Durresi ‘s Bay is even considered as a Lagoon.
Lagoon in Albanian takes another meaning though in Geg Dialect.LAGUN(Lagoon,eng.spell)=DAMPED,WET.In official Albanian modern language it is LAGUR(Lagoor eng.spell).


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Anonymous said…
Hello my friend,

You overlooked one detail:
the illyrian word Landtokde, today in albanian the word is divided in three words, "land", "tokë" (where "ë" is Not pronounced) and "dhe", meaning land, ground, soil, property, land-material.
Illyrian: landtokde -> Albanian: landtokëdhe

You have a very interesting blog my friend:-)

Keep up the good work!
People need to know the truth! Atlantis people continue to exist.
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