
Showing posts from May, 2007

Data , Data , a eshte e sakte?

Ne perkthimin qe i eshte bere dialogjeve te Platonit mund te jete bere nje gabim naiv qe mund ti kete kushtuar shume historise se njerezimit. Eshte fjala per numrin e viteve te permendura nga Platoni i ekzistences se Atlantides. Sipas perkthimit te bere nga Jowett dhe te tjere fjala antike greke "enakischilia" meret si 9000. Dakord do te thoni .Fjala "kischilia" shpjegohet lehte me numrin 1000,por fjala "ena" eshte pak si e dyshimte te perkthehet "nente" pasi ne greqishten e lashte numrat nuk shkrueshin me fjale por me simbole.Bie fjala numri (1)nje i konrenspondonte germa "a"(alfa).Quhej sistemi alfabetik i cili zevendesoi sistemin akrofonik mbas shkullit te peste p.a.s.Pra i bie qe numrit (9) nente (per ata qe e dine alfabetin grek) ti konrenspondoj germa "th"(thita).Per numrin 9000 perdorej nje simbol i ngjashem me "th" por me nje presje poshte ne krahe te majte te saj dhe vetem kaq.Nuk perdoreshin aspak fjale.Vet...

Hulumtime te reja

Pamja qe po shikoni eshte skica e nje "tumule" qe ndodhet ne zonen e KORCES (ne Barc).Ne pamje te pare njgjason me skicen e qytetit te Atlantis. Tumula te tilla ka plot ne vendin e Shqiponjave dhe ato datojne epoken e bronzit.Ajo cka i dallon keto tumula nga tumulat e tjera ne vende te ndryshme te botes eshte fakti se tumulat jane te rethuara nga mure rethore te jashtme ne forme rethore "te perkryer" do te thosha. A thua Atlantis te kete qene nje "tumule""gjigante" ndertuar per nder te nje "personazhi" mistik qe mo vone do te quhej "perendi". Platoni na thote se ne qender te Atlantis ndodhej tempulli i Poseidonit. Per sqarim.Tumulat jane vare te lashta qe kishin forme kodrinore rethore dhe ne mbare boten ato jane mese evidente.Sidomos ne France. Por ne Shqiperi ato kane kete karakteristike te vecante te ndertimit te mureve rethuese. Ne Sovjan te Korces jane zbuluar shume tumula te tilla. Ne Apolloni edhe ne Butrint.Ato jane de...

Konkluzionet e konferences se Atlantides mbajtur ne Milos 2005.

1.The Metropolis of Atlantis should have been located where an island used to be and where parts of it may still exist. 2.The Metropolis of Atlantis should have had a most distinct geomorphology composed of alternating concentric rings of land and water. 3.The Atlantis should have been located outside the Pillars of Hercules. 4.The Metropolis of Atlantis was greater than Libya and Anatolia and Middle East and Sinai (combined). 5.Atlantis must have sheltered a literate population with metallurgical and navigational skills. 6.The Metropolis of Atlantis should have been routinely reachable from Athens by sea. 7.At the time, Atlantis should have been at war with Athens. 8.The Metropolis of Athens must have suffered a devastating physical destruction of unprecedented proportions. 9.The Metropolis of Atlantis should have sunk entirely or partly below the water. 10.The Metropolis of Atlantis was destroyed 9000 Egyptian years before the 6th century B.C. 11.The part of Atlantis was 50 stadia (7...