Atlanis in Europe and Ballkan.
Let's talk a little bit about the story of Atlantis .This what we are supposed to do.Wright?!. Plato is referring to an Island that used dwelt outside the famous Pillars of Heracles. Talks about an empire that ruled with iron-fist a waste area in Mediterranean and North Africa .Now some scientist are taking in great consideration the fact that Plato by Island meant the fact that Capital City of such empire was constructed in an area close to the sea that was altered in an artificial island. According to Plato it took several generation till this “island” was transformed in a magnificent city which the main function was to harbor the trade ships in such a manner that was never done before. Plato expressed the opinion that how such a thing can be human made and not natural. In fact Plato at the beginning is referred to Mythology .He talks about the story of Poseidon falling in love and then intercourseing with a mortal woman Cleito (Possible archaic form of the word klithje.alb=screa...