
Showing posts from March, 2008


Atlantis.(English)Atlantidou(old Greek),Atlantida(Latin) Atlandtokde(Illyrian). Lets talk about it. Taulantiies. The lost land that have intrigued and inspired so many people through centuries. Where is it ,did it really exist or was just a fiction. We will see about that later. But first of all I want to talk about a place called Durresi in Albania. It is the most ancient city in the whole country. They said it was founded by Corcyrians and Corinthians 2700 years a go.A colony called Epidamnos.Then called by Romans Dyrrachiom.Well that is the official statement of the most important archeologist and historians of modern times. Durresi was founded by Greeks. OK. Lets talk about this. There is a bad perception about the term founded and colonized so I will try it to explain it. Founded means that a certain place or country was discovered and than populated by certain group of people in order of creating a new ethnic or nation group which later will be known as a new state or country. Co...

Albanian Atlantis


Ne qofte se keni patur miresine te lexoni postimet e meparshme do te ju kujtohet se kam folur dhe treguar per imazhet satelitare te "mureve" qe ndodhen ne veri te Gjirit te Durresit.Ato quhen mure "ciklope" por une mendoje se jane dicka me shume se mure.Gjeresia e tyre arin ne 31metra.WOW.Duke vezhguar perseri Gjirin e Durresit kam hasur ne nje fenomena apo anomalitet te cuditshem.Ne juglindje te gjirit ndodhet nje zgjatim nenujor qe eshte pothuajse simetrike me "murin" ne veri .Ngjan si hendek apo rrip toke e krijuar artificialisht.Gjeresia e ketij hendeku eshte e njejte me "murin" e veriut, plot 31 metra.A thua te jete nje koecidence.Nga pamja e pare ngjan me nje "Mur" apo "Ure" e ndertuar pergjate bregut te detit . Pamjet jane vertete sugjestjionuese.Si ka mundesi ?Duhet te mos harojme edhe faktin se thedhesia ne kete pjese te bregut por edhe gjate gjithe siperfaqes te gjirit deri ne mes te saj nuk i arin as 3 metra.Pra mun...

Historia e Ilireve.Illyrian history