
Showing posts from 2010

ATLANTIS LINE...........

I recently discovered something amazing , something that will change our perception of Atlantis Myth and story. Some studies and historians believe that there is a connection between Stonehenge in UK and Atlantis.Well if we look carefully the Stonehenge will certainly notice that the shape of such majestic monument is the perfect copy of Atlantis city as described by Plato.Now as I have told before , Durresi,s Bay in Albania is the perfect candidate for being the marvelous city mentioned by Plato. I made an experiment with Google Earth.I joint this location "Stonehenge" and "Durresi,s Bay" by a line.I checked in which cities passes this line between this two locations and I have noticed that the famous Laguna city of Venice is crossed by this line(Venice is considered the homeland of Illyrian Language ,"Mesapic").I kept going with the line down the Durresi,s bay .This line goes straight to this famous and very important cities .ATHENS(Greece).You know the ...

Atlantida ne Mesdhe.

Ky blog eshte ndertuar nga une per bere te njohur nje teze qe prej shume kohesh qarkullon neper qarqet intelektuale dhe akademike te mbare globit. A ka ekzistuar ndonjehere Atlantida dhe nese po ku e ka vendodhjen ajo.Se pari duhet te kemi te qarte ai qe shkroi per te Platoni nuk ka patur per asnje moment ne mendje qe te torturoj pasardhesit e historise se civilizimeve me gjeagjeza apo rebuse qe do te shkaktonin kaq kokecarje ne pershkruesit e historise boterore.Ai na ka dhene disa informacione qe po te shqurtohen ne menyre te thjeshte dhe racionale na japin drejtime dhe orientime te pa ekuivokueshme.Se pari Atlantida ndodhet ne Mesdhe.Platoni e ka thene qarte .Ajo ndodhej ne perendim te botes helene pertej Shtyllave te Herkulit.Tani disa e ngaterojne me qellim apo pa qellim kete informacion te rendesishem te tij.Platoni i shkroi Dialogjet e tij te famshem ne shek 4tert p.k. atehere shtyllat e Herkulit nuk ndodheshin ne ngushticen e Gjibraltarit te sotem.Kete emer kjo ngushtice e ka ma...